IrelandQCI Project Highlighted in Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications Research and Innovation Strategy 2030

IrelandQCI Project Highlighted in Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications Research and Innovation Strategy 2030


The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) has launched its inaugural Research and Innovation (R&I) Strategy. The Department’s vision is that by 2030, we will be harnessing research to its full potential to drive the action and innovation needed to develop a climate neutral, sustainable, digitally connected, and cyber-resilient Ireland. Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications Eamon Ryan TD sets out key R&I objectives in this strategy document, covering the period to 2030, and worked with a number of key stakeholders, state bodies and research-performing organisations to produce the strategy.

The Research and Development Budget 2022 to 2023 identifies the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications as the fifth largest investing department in research and innovation. This R&I Strategy sets out a strategic approach to facilitate ambitious engagement in R&I across all areas of the department. It recognises the transformational potential of R&I and endeavours to harness that potential to achieve our strategic goals.

The Strategy sets out 39 actions across five goals to be delivered in the period to 2030:

1. Delivery and Management of R&I

2. Governance and Oversight

3. Research Needs

4. People, Skills and Knowledge Transfer

5. Working with the National Research and Innovation System

The IrelandQCI project is featured as a Quantum Communications Use Case Study within the R&I Strategy document, on page 24. Among the good company of Use Cases highlighting Renewable Hydrogen and Digital Resilience for SMEs, the R&I Strategy highlights the significance of IrelandQCI as part of EuroQCI, as a vital component of the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy. The IrelandQCI consortium of partners will continue to work closely with the DECC To implement the actions of the strategy over the years ahead.

Download the full Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications R & I Strategy HERE


IrelandQCI partners:

Waterford’s Walton Institute, at South East Technological University (SETU), is leading the IrelandQCI project on behalf of the SFI Research Centre CONNECT, with partners specialising in quantum technologies at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and University College Cork (UCC)’s Tyndall National Institute, with support from University College Dublin (UCD) and Maynooth University (MU) and the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) at University of GalwayHEAnet and ESB Telecoms are also key partners in the project, as the quantum communications network is being built across the dark fibre optic network of ESB Telecoms parallel to the existing HEAnet backbone between Dublin, Waterford and Cork.

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