IrelandQCI Project Lead joins Ireland’s Minister for a high level visit to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). IrelandQCI Project Lead Dr Deirdre Kilbane, Director of Research at Walton Institute South East Technological University, joined Ireland’s Minister for Further …
Building a Quantum
Communication Infrastructure
for Ireland
Ireland strengthens the resilience of its critical infrastructure by leveraging quantum technologies.
IrelandQCI, the ‘Building a National Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Ireland’ project incorporates integrating innovative and secure quantum devices and systems into conventional communication infrastructures. This will be done by enhancing the ESB Telecoms’ optical fibre network with an additional layer of security, all based on quantum physics, in particular quantum key distribution (QKD).
Technology specialists in six universities are pooling their expertise and resources to add an extra security layer to Ireland’s communications infrastructure and the data it transmits.
IrelandQCI is one of several projects across the EU which sees the European Commission working with 27 Member States, as well as the European Space Agency, towards the deployment of a secure quantum communication infrastructure spanning the EU.
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November 22, 2024
IrelandQCI Plenary 3, Tyndall National Institute, UCC
IrelandQCI Plenary 3, Tyndall National Institute, UCC On Friday 22nd November 2024, representatives of IrelandQCI consotium partners met for the third plenary of the project, this time at the stunning Lee Maltings building which houses Tyndall National Institute, UCC, in …
November 8, 2024
IrelandQCI at HEAnet Annual Conference 2024
IrelandQCI at HEAnet annual conference 2024 Across November 6th – 8th 2024, IrelandQCI consortium partner HEAnet hosted its Annual Conference HEAnet 2024, in Killarney, Co. Kerry. One of Ireland’s leading education research conferences, this year saw a record high attendance …

This project has received funding from the European Union’s DIGITAL Europe Programme under grant agreement No. 101091520

DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01 –EU secure Quantum Communication Infrastructure DEPLOY-NATIONAL –Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks Project ID 101091520.