Irish Centre for High-end Computing

IrelandQCI > The Consortium > Irish Centre for High-end Computing

ICHEC works in close partnership with national and international research organisations, enterprises and public authorities for joint R&D, skills development, and provisioning HPC and data services to accelerate their digital transformation and green transition.

Since 2018, ICHEC has been driving the Quantum Programming Ireland (Qπ) initiative with three primary lines of action:

  1. Full-stack integration and development of hybrid classical high-performance, quantum computing and simulation platforms (HPC-QCS)
  2. R&D in quantum algorithms and software development
  3. National and European skills development in quantum programming

QPI activities are funded by the Irish State, EU and enterprise partnership programmes. As a part of the QPI activities, ICHEC’s work includes

  • technical leadership roles in the Quantum Flagship project NEASQC,
  • leadership roles in the EuroHPC projects HPCQS and EuroQCS-France for integrating QCS and HPC systems,
  • joint authorship of the EuroQCS Joint While Paper,
  • joint authorship of HPC-QC related sections in the European Quantum Flagship Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA),
  • core membership of the EuroCC-CASTIEL Quantum Computing Working Group,
  • founding partner of the European Digital Innovation Hub FactoryxChange, and
  • development of the Quantum Programming Certification Course in partnership with international enterprise advisory members and the Irish agency for enterprise skills development (Technology Ireland ICT Skillnet).In IrelandQCI, ICHEC focuses on a pilot use-case to leverage the quantum communication infrastructure for potential interfacing of classical HPC and QC systems.

Established in NUI Galway, in 2005, ICHEC is hosted by what is now known as University of Galway. ICHEC is Ireland’s national centre for High-Performance Computing (HPC) providing digital infrastructure capabilities and expertise through R&D engagements and skills development programmes to academia, industry and public sector organisations.

ICHEC provides platform services and expertise in HPC (including quantum computing) and data intelligence to develop efficient platforms, solutions and services based on enabling technologies including hybrid HPC-QC, AI, high performance data analytics and Earth Observation across several domains including environmental sciences, healthcare, agriculture, energy, financial services and ICT.