About the Community

About the Community

IrelandQCI > About the Community

National Stakeholder Engagement

IrelandQCI will create a community to expand the use of Quantum Communication technologies in Ireland. IrelandQCI’s objective is to create a community from all key stakeholders that can benefit and support the IrelandQCI network, gather expertise and share knowledge on how quantum communication technologies can be applied in practical and sustainable use cases.

These stakeholders will become early adoptors of the solutions, services and the advanced use cases in different application scenarios that IrelandQCI will establish, test and verify. The ecosystem will bring together national players in the public, industry and academic sectors that can potentially use the IrelandQCI network and/or support its value chain.

The community will strengthen synergies and promote new national and international collaborations in order to develop an innovative quantum technology ecosystem. This  will  drive the uptake, development and commercialization of  these technologies in the European 27 Member States.

IrelandQCI will also strengthen the uptake of innovation in society, creating new market opportunities, transferring knowledge and empowering the Irish ecosystem with best practices and the exchange of lessons learnt.