Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

IrelandQCI > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Quantum Technologies Flagship is a long-term research and innovation initiative that aims to put Europe at the forefront of the second quantum revolution. The Quantum Technologies Flagship aims to support the work of hundreds of quantum researchers over 10 years, with an expected budget of €1 billion from the EU.

The aim of the QCI is to build a quantum secure communication shield across the EU that would protect our economy and society from cyber threats. The QCI’s main function will be to allow quantum key distribution (QKD), an ultra-secure form of encryption.

EuroQCI (European Quantum Communication Infrastructure) Initiative aims to build a secure quantum communication infrastructure that will span the whole EU, including its overseas territories.

IrelandQCI, the ‘Building a National Quantum Communication Infrastructure for Ireland’ project incorporates integrating innovative and secure quantum devices and systems into conventional communication infrastructures. They will do this by enhancing ESB Telecoms’ optical fibre network with an additional layer of security, all based on quantum physics, in particular quantum key distribution (QKD).


Waterford’s Walton Institute, in the South East Technological University (SETU), is leading the IrelandQCI project on behalf of the SFI Research Centre CONNECT, co-funded by the EC, ESA and the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.  This is the €10 million Irish project within the EU-wide Quantum Communications Infrastructure (EuroQCI) programme. Technology specialists in six universities are pooling their expertise and resources to add an extra security layer to Ireland’s communications infrastructure and the data it transmits. The Irish project is one of several across the EU which sees the European Commission working with 27 Member States as well as the European Space Agency towards the deployment of a secure quantum communication infrastructure spanning the EU.

Partners include specialists in quantum technologies in Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork’s Tyndall National Institute, with support from University College Dublin (UCD) and Maynooth University (MU). All are member institutions of CONNECT, the SFI Research Centre for Future Networks and Communications. Other participants in IrelandQCI include the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (University of Galway), as well as HEAnet and ESB Telecoms.

IrelandQCI intends to create a flourishing national Quantum Communication Technologies ecosystem which will extend opportunities to industry, research and academic sectors.

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