QCI Days Vienna 2024

IrelandQCI PI and Director of Research at Walton Institute at SETU, Dr. Deirdre Kilbane, attended the first EuroQCI event days of 2024 on 25th – 26th January, this time hosted in Vienna, Austria. A hugely impressive 2 day conference, the QCI Days Vienna was organised by the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology and the QCI-CAT project. During these two days, Quantum Communications experts from all over Europe met and discussed the latest trends and developments in quantum-secure communication.
The conference included poster displays by EuroQCI countries in attendance, supplier showcases across anexhibition floor, Digital Europe pitches, updates from EuroQCI European Commission and Space Agency leads, use case and deployment updates, and workshops on topics such as satellite and free-space QKD, impact of quantum technologies on society, and a discussion on certification.
With top level researchers, policy-makers, industry and academic representatives in attendance, this collaborative event was a fantastic opportunity for the international community of EuroQCI to come together and knowledge-share.
QCI-CAT forms the Austrian subproject of the European Commissions EuroQCI initiative. With this, the EU will transform their way of communication to a new, groundbreaking form with security guarantee – granted by the laws of nature.
IrelandQCI is part of DIGITAL Europe’s EuroQCI, an EU-wide quantum communications infrastructure programme’ and is jointly funded by the European Commission European Space Agency – ESA and the Irish Government’s Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.